FEAP 2 Evidence

2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention

I demonstrated this FEAP when I lined up students to go to lunch. It is important to transition quickly and I accomplished this by having students line up by group. This avoided congestion and chaos at the cubbies, managing the space of the classroom. To make sure the students were paying attention I also had one of the students tell me the rules for walking in the hall. I then repeated what she said and gave them the signal to go. The students walked in a nice, quiet line the entire time.

2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;


I demonstrated this FEAP when in my level 1 internship when I created a management plan for line-up and implemented it in the classroom. I was able to manage the students behaviors by modeling the behavior and by using silent reminders. The students listened well and transitions to lunch and specials in a nice, quiet line.


2c. Conveys high expectations to all students


I demonstrated this belief when I did Haggerty with the students. I made sure all students were participating. I made eye contact with the students and also paid attention to see who was participating. When someone was not participating I gave them a look and they started participating right away.


2e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills


I modeled this when I took over the morning calendar routine. I stood in front of the class, using the touch screen to go over the calendar. I spoke clearly and at an appropriate volume. We went over the date and day of the week, and then we did a mini math lesson on how many days we have been in school. We went over tens and ones places. I wrote clearly the number of days we had been in school in both numerical and written format.


I maintained a climate of openness fairness and support when I ran one of the centers for a Thanksgiving class event. I ran a center making Teepees out of paper bags. I worked with the students in groups of 2-4 at a time. When students were struggling I helped them understand the activity better. I had one group of students who wanted to be done quickly, but they were required to stay at each station until the time was up. So I was able to make the activity more exciting and interactive for them by challenging them to create the different American Indian symbols and speaking with them about what life would be like living in a Teepee and whether they would like it or not.


2f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support


