Classroom Management Theory

Positive Classroom Involvement

Classroom management is created in collaboration with the students. The teacher gives the students power and encourages the students to come up with a set of classroom agreements. It makes them think about how they want their classroom to be and because they made the agreements, they will then want to follow them and hold their peers accountable to following them as well. I will facilitate and ensure the student adhere to the agreements they established.


To promote community in the classroom we will have a morning meeting every morning. This will set a positive tone for the day, helping students get to know each other and providing a sense of belonging for the students. The students and I will work together to come up with classroom agreements and responsibilities. We will also come up with the consequences together for when the agreements are broken as well as a rotation schedule for the classroom jobs. Having the students be part of creating the rules and jobs helps them fell like they are part of the classroom family.

Brain-based learning

In our classroom assignments will have a real-life connection to give them more meaning to the students. I will plan lessons that teach students social and team building skills. Lessons will engage multiple senses, so students are more likely to understand and retain the information. I will make sure I have a lot of hands-on learning opportunities and will use Kagan structures for engagement.

A Safe Environment

We will build a strong classroom community. I will model positive and respectful behavior. I will encourage mistakes and teach a growth mindset. Showing students mistakes are just learning opportunities and that everyone makes them. By building a strong classroom community the students will feel safe to make mistakes. I will also have a collectivistic learning environment to create a home-school connection for students of all cultures. Engaging students in hands-on activities that touch on all the senses will also ensure all students have an opportunity to learn.


Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct


Agreements & Procedures