Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct

I value the worth and dignity of every person. I am devoted to excellence and will ensure my students the freedom to learn. I will use my best professional judgement and integrity when challenging issues arise. You can expect to be treated with kindness and compassion by me in any situation. I believe all humans are sacred and valuable.


To protect students from discrimination, harassment, and student-to-student bullying, I will create a family environment in my classroom. I will help the students build relationships with one another that lifts them up and creates a sense of unity in the classroom. We will discuss the agreements we make that will include things like being respectful to each other and using kind words. I will also make sure my lessons are accessible to all of my students, creating a variety of ways for them to understand the material. Students will learn empathy and how to respect each other and our differences. By creating a safe environment in my classroom students are protected from conditions harmful to learning.

I will make sure I create and maintain open lines of communication with my students, checking in with them often about daily life. I want to help students reflect on the things they like about themselves. I want to encourage them to do things they enjoy and help them boost their confidence.

If I encounter bullying I will address it immediately. I will make sure the student understands what the problem behavior is and that bullying is taken seriously. Students may be bullying a person in response to their own trauma or to better fit in, I would speak to the bully to try to find out the cause. I will use consequences to teach, like having the student who is doing the bullying make amends with the student they hurt. I will make sure that the student that is being bullied knows it is not their fault and help them come up with solutions. I will also make the parents and the proper people in the school aware of the incident.

If child abuse is suspected I will immediately contact the proper authorities.


Classroom Management Theory